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florent_ba |
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* Created in LTspice Version XVII *
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* *
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* GaN Systems Inc. Power Transistors *
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* LTSpice Library for GaN Transistors *
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* Version 4.1 *
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* *
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* *
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* Models provided by GaN Systems Inc. are not warranted by *
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* GaN Systems Inc. as *
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* fully representing all of the specifications and operating *
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* characteristics of the semiconductor product to which the *
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* model relates. The model describe the characteristics of a *
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* typical device. *
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* In all cases, the current data sheet information for a given *
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* device is the final design guideline and the only actual *
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* performance specification. *
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* Altough models can be a useful tool in evaluating device *
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* performance, they cannot model exact device performance under *
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* all conditions, nor are they intended to replace bread- *
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* boarding for final verification. GaN Systems Inc. therefore *
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* does not assume any liability arising from their use. *
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* GaN Systems Inc. reserves the right to change models without *
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* prior notice. *
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* *
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* This library contains models of the following GaN Systems *
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* Inc. transistors: *
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* *
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* GS61008P *
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*Level 3. In addition to Level 2, this level includes the stray inductance in the package.
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.subckt GaN_LTspice_GS61008P_L3V4P1 gatein drainin sourcein source_S TC TJ
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38 |
.param rTC=-0.004 gan_res={3.38e-03} metal_res={2.0e-3} gtc=3.275 sh_s=0.239 sh_d=0.761
39 |
.param cur=0.089 x0_0=1.1 x0_1=1.1 x0_2=1.0 thr=1.8 itc=0.83 atc=180.15
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41 |
42 |
.param tscl = 0.5
43 |
Cth_1 0 TJ {(7.0e-4)*tscl}
44 |
Cth_2 0 T11 {(6.7e-3)*tscl}
45 |
Cth_3 0 T22 {(5.9e-3)*tscl}
46 |
Cth_4 0 T33 {(1.8e-3)*tscl}
47 |
48 |
49 |
Rth_1 T11 TJ {0.017}
50 |
Rth_2 T22 T11 {0.253}
51 |
Rth_3 T33 T22 {0.264}
52 |
Rth_4 TC T33 {0.017}
53 |
54 |
55 |
bdtemp 0 TJ I = (if(v(drain,source)>0,
56 |
+ (cur*(-(v(TJ)-25)*itc+atc)*log(1.0+exp(26*(v(gate,source)-thr)))*
57 |
+ v(drain,source)/(1 + max(x0_0+x0_1*(v(gate,source)+x0_2),0.2)*v(drain,source)))*
58 |
+ v(drain,source),
59 |
+ (cur*(-(v(TJ)-25)*itc+atc)*log(1.0+exp(26*(v(gate,drain)-thr)))*
60 |
+ v(source, drain)/(1 + max(x0_0+x0_1*(v(gate,drain)+x0_2),0.2)*v(source,drain)))*
61 |
+ v(drain,source)))
62 |
63 |
64 |
ld drainin drain3 {370e-12} Rser=0
65 |
ERES_d drain3 3_d value={I(VSENSE_d)*sh_d* (metal_res*(1-1*rTc*(V(TJ)-25)) + gan_res*PWR((v(TJ)+273)/298,gtc)) }
66 |
VSENSE_d 3_d drain DC 0
67 |
68 |
69 |
VSENSE_s 3_s source DC 0
70 |
ERES_s source3 3_s value={I(VSENSE_s)* sh_s * (metal_res*(1-1*rTc*(V(TJ)-25)) + gan_res*PWR((v(TJ)+273)/298,gtc)) }
71 |
Lcs source3 source3b {20e-12}
72 |
Ls sourcein source3b {150e-15} Rser=0
73 |
74 |
75 |
RSS source_S1 source3b {0.001}
76 |
LSS source_S source_S1 {0.2e-9} Rser=0
77 |
rg gatein gate1 {1.5}
78 |
Lg gate1 gate {3.1e-9} Rser=0
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Rcsdconv drain source {4000Meg}
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Rcgsconv gate source {4000Meg}
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Rcgdconv gate drain {4000Meg}
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86 |
bswitch drain2 source2 I = (if(v(drain2,source2)>0,
87 |
+ (cur*(-(v(TJ)-25)*itc+atc)*log(1.0+exp(26*(v(gate,source2)-thr)))*
88 |
+ v(drain2,source2)/(1 + max(x0_0+x0_1*(v(gate,source2)+x0_2),0.2)*v(drain2,source2))),
89 |
90 |
+ (-cur*(-(v(TJ)-25)*itc+atc)*log(1.0+exp(26*(v(gate,drain2)-thr)))*
91 |
+ v(source2, drain2)/(1 + max(x0_0+x0_1*(v(gate,drain2)+x0_2),0.2)*v(source2,drain2)))))
92 |
93 |
94 |
R_drain2 drain2 drain {(1e-7)}
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R_source2 source2 source {(1e-7)}
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98 |
99 |
C_GS gate source {6.04e-10}
100 |
C_GS1 gate source Q = ( - 14.08e-11*(1-1./(1+exp(0.32*(-v(drain, source)+8.0))))
101 |
+ - 1.653e-11*(1-1./(1+exp(0.029*(-v(drain, source)+80.0))))
102 |
+ - 1.5e-10*(-1+1./(1+exp(0.16*(-v(drain, source)-2.1)))) )*x
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104 |
105 |
C_GS2 gate source Q = ( 1.0e-010*log(1+exp(6.1*(x-2.2))))
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C_GD gate drain {0.6e-012}
109 |
C_GD1 gate drain Q = ( 44e-11*log(1+exp(0.32*(x+8)))+
110 |
+ 57e-11*log(1+exp(0.029*(x+80))) )
111 |
112 |
113 |
C_SD source drain {2.18e-010}
114 |
C_SD1 source drain Q = (
115 |
+ 44e-11*log(1+exp(0.32*(x+8)))+
116 |
+ 57e-11*log(1+exp(0.029*(x+80)))+
117 |
+ 1.95e-10*log(1+exp(1.19*(x+16)))+
118 |
+ 1.69e-9*log(1+exp(0.07*(x+31))) )
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